World Alzheimer's Day
United: Caring for our loved ones living with dementia
This World Alzheimer's Day, Wednesday 21st September, we are reflecting on caring for loved ones living with dementia.
Dementia campaigner and activist, Gina Awad, has published ‘United: Caring for our loved ones living with dementia.' The book shares personal and moving stories of diagnosis, care and the selfless ways people support research.
Private Eye cartoonist and illustrator, Tony Husband, has created the illustrations.
The book offers insight into the shared experience of caring for a loved one, with warmth and humour. Each story reveals the unique ways in which dementia unfolds, and how loved ones care under different circumstances.
You can buy 'United' at Waterstones, on Kindle, or on Amazon (if using Amazon please remember to use Amazon Smile.)
Research is increasingly showing a link between sports that cause repeated blows to the head, and/or frequent concussion, as a trigger for a type of dementia - Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).
When well known and loved footballer, Nobby Stiles, passed away with CTE the family selflessly donated his brain to dementia research.
BRACE has been supporting the South West Dementia Brain Bank, since the charity's very beginning in 1987.
Brain donations from both people living with and without dementia, play an invaluable role in helping scientists to understand dementia. And support efforts to find treatments for dementia.

The South West Dementia Brain Bank is one of the most important dementia research facilities in the country. Their work also supports researchers around the world.
None of this would be possible without individuals and their loved ones, making the selfless decision to donate their brain to research. Or without our incredible supporters who give monetary donations. We would like to give a heartfelt thank you for your ongoing support.