Cuppa for a Cure

Are you looking for a fun and easy way to support dementia research? Why not host a Cuppa for a Cure?

This is one of the easiest fundraisers to organise, it can be as small or as large as you like. You can hold one at home, at work or at a venue of your choice - such as a school or church.

Here is a step-by-step guide to help get you started...

  • Set a date, a beginning and end time
  • Find a place to hold the event - home, work or at a venue?
  • Are you going to run a raffle? If so, ask friends/colleagues for donations
  • A ‘decorate a tea cup’ competition is great for getting children involved (BRACE can give you a template)
  • What help will you need? e.g. tea makers, raffle ticket sellers, bakers
  • Ask friends and family for help
  • Local supermarkets can be very generous and donate cakes, tea, coffee and sugar
  • Cakes – put out a request for people to bake/bring cakes
  • Finally: advertise, let everyone know you are holding the event!

Click here for hints & tips to make your event successful

For more info, please email [email protected]

Get in touch

Keen to help, support or raise awareness? We'd love to hear from you, whether you have an hour to help, would like to learn more about our work, or would like to host an event. Please get in touch with Jeanne on [email protected]

All offers of help and support gratefully received. Thank you.

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