Arts and Minds Event

On Friday 19th May, during Dementia Action Week 2023, BRACE hosted Arts and Minds with Bristol Dementia Action Alliance and RWA, for people living with dementia and their carers. It was a fantastic afternoon celebrating the power of art & creativity and the impact this can have on those living with dementia. We had a truly amazing time, bringing smiles to the faces of people with dementia and their caregivers.

Music, art and creative opportunities have been shown to stimulate the brain in multiple ways, and are especially important for people living with dementia.

There was a a felt making workshop for both people with and without dementia, led by the RWA. Alongside this, Tony Coll the 'singing MC' offered some light-hearted songs, which had everyone smiling and bopping their heads. Cake, refreshments and hot drinks were provided throughout the day.

Event Gallery:

A woman teaches a man how to make felt art.
A woman sat at a table smiles as she is taught how to make felt art.
Someone is using their hands to make felt art.
A woman teaches a group of people how to make felt art.
A man and a women sat at a table making art with mugs of tea. The table is covered in equipment; glue, scissors, pencils and paper.
A man is sat at a table making felt art with his hands.
A woman holds a plate to someone sat at a table so they can take materials to make art.
A man and a woman sat at a table look at their finished multicoloured felt art.
A man with white hair and an Hawaiian shirt is playing a guitar to lots of people sat down to tables.
A group of people make felt art while sat around a table.
A woman teaches a group of people how make felt art while sat around a table.
A man with white hair and an Hawaiian shirt is playing a guitar to lots of people sat down to tables.
A group of seven people, including a carer, smile for a photo as they look at the camera.
A variety of materials and tools on a table as people use them to make art.
A group of people are sat around a table having conversations and drinking tea / coffee.
A group of people are sat around a table making art.
A group of people are sat around a table learning how to make felt art.

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